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Text File | 1997-08-29 | 23.1 KB | 1,180 lines
;MUIB ;MUIB ;MUIB This catalog description file was generated by MUIBuilder. ;MUIB ;MUIB Please don't modify the lines generated by MUIBuilder, ;MUIB but you can add your own entries. ;MUIB MSG_AppDescription (//) Internet's Connections Manager ;MUIB MSG_AppCopyright (//) Lithium Systems 1997 ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaPrincipal (//) By SuRRouND 1997 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2Project (//) Project ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2About (//) About ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel2AboutChar (//) A ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalAboutMUI (//) About MUI ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MenuPrincipalAboutMUIChar (//) U ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2BarLabel0 (//) BarLabel0 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2Hide (//) Iconified ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel2HideChar (//) I ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2Quit (//) Exit ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel2QuitChar (//) X ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2Program (//) Program ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalLastFiveCalls (//) Last Five Calls ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MenuPrincipalLastFiveCallsChar (//) L ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalBarLabel2 (//) BarLabel2 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2ThisMonth (//) This Month ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel2ThisMonthChar (//) T ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2OtherMonth (//) Other Month ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel2OtherMonthChar (//) O ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalGlobal (//) Global Statistics ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MenuPrincipalGlobalChar (//) G ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalDatePeriod (//) Date Period ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MenuPrincipalDatePeriodChar (//) D ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalAnual (//) Anual Statistics ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MenuPrincipalAnualChar (//) S ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalBarLabel3 (//) BarLabel3 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MPManualInputCall (//) Manual Call Inputation ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MPManualInputCallChar (//) M ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalGeneration (//) Generation ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MPFirstGenerationMiami (//) First Generation (Miami) ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MPFirstGenerationMiamiChar (//) F ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2Settings (//) Settings ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel2Configuration (//) Configuration... ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel2ConfigurationChar (//) C ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalHelp (//) Help ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalMain (//) Main... ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MenuPrincipalMainChar (//) 1 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalUsage (//) Usage... ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MenuPrincipalUsageChar (//) 2 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MenuPrincipalHistory (//) History... ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MenuPrincipalHistoryChar (//) 3 ;MUIB text content MSG_FreedomLabel (//) Freedom Call V1.07a beta ;MUIB button text MSG_BotaoUltimasCinco (//) _Last Calls ;MUIB button text MSG_BotaoDesseMes (//) _This Month ;MUIB button text MSG_BotaoCheckMes (//) _Other Month ;MUIB button text MSG_BotaoGlobal (//) _Global ;MUIB button text MSG_BotaoPrefs (//) _Prefs ;MUIB button text MSG_BotaoAbout (//) _About ;MUIB window Title MSG_EspereGerando (//) Generation ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelGerando (//) \033c\0338Wait, Generation in Process... ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaDesseMes (//) Statistic Window ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelMesUsadas (//) Total Online: ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelMesExedentes (//) Time Exceded: ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelMesMedia (//) Average Online: ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelMesNumero (//) Total Calls: ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelMesMaior (//) Longest Call: ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelMesMenor (//) Shortest Call: ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelMesData (//) Longest Date: ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelMesLow (//) Shortest Date: ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelPrimeiraLigacao (//) First Call: ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelUltimaLigacao (//) Last Call: ;MUIB Rectangle TitleFrame MSG_LogoutBarTitle (//) Logouts ;MUIB text content MSG_NrLogoutGoodMes (//) Regular: ;MUIB text content MSG_NrDownResetMes (//) Shutdown: ;MUIB text content MSG_NrQuedaLinhaMes (//) Irregular: ;MUIB button text MSG_DesseMesBotaoOk (//) _Ok ;MUIB button text MSG_BotaoDessaSemana (//) _Week ;MUIB button text MSG_DesseBotaoAllCalls (//) _All Calls ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaConfiguracao (//) Configuration ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GrupoPastas0 (//) Program ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GrupoPastas1 (//) Logs ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GrupoPastas2 (//) Database ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GrupoPastas3 (//) Limits ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GrupoPastas4 (//) Provider ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GrupoPastas5 (//) Filters ;MUIB Register Entry MSG_GrupoPastas6 (//) Register ;MUIB group MSG_ConfPastaProgramTitle (//) Freedom Call interface settings ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_PrefsComboMenu0 (//) Graphics Menu ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_PrefsComboMenu1 (//) Standart Menu ;MUIB group MSG_ConfPastaLogMiamiTitle (//) Select here Miami log file ;MUIB group MSG_ConfPastaLogOpcoesTitle (//) Options about generation ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_LabelVisualGeneration (//) Generation message display ;MUIB CheckMark MSG_LabelGenerationStartup (//) Generation database on startup ;MUIB group MSG_ConfPastaDataBaseTitle (//) Freedom Call database information ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_DataBaseName (//) DataBase Directory ;MUIB group MSG_ConfPastaLimitsTitle (//) Select your time limits ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_InputLimitTime (//) Limit Time ;MUIB group MSG_PrefsGrupoFreeHoursTitle (//) Free hours (Not calcutated in Freedom Statistics) ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_PrefsFreeHInicio (//) Initial Hour ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_PrefsFreeHFim (//) Final Hour ;MUIB group MSG_PrefsGrupoDiaInicialTitle (//) Initial day of month`s calculations ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_PrefsDiaInicial (//) Day ;MUIB group MSG_GrupoFoneInvalidosTitle (//) Phones to ignore on Statistics ;MUIB group MSG_ConfRegisterTitle (//) Input information about your registration ;MUIB text content MSG_GrupoConfLabelName (//) Your Name ;MUIB text content MSG_GrupoConfLabelOrg (//) Organization ;MUIB text content MSG_GrupoConfLabelEmail (//) Your Email ;MUIB text content MSG_GrupoConfLabelKey (//) Key Program ;MUIB text content MSG_GrupoConfLabelCountry (//) Your Country ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_RegisterCity (//) City ;MUIB button text MSG_PrefsBotaoExport (//) Register Request ;MUIB button text MSG_PrefsBotaoImport (//) Register Import ;MUIB button text MSG_ConfBotaoSave (//) _Save ;MUIB button text MSG_ConfBotaoUse (//) _Use ;MUIB button text MSG_ConfBotaoCancel (//) _Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaAbout (//) About Freedom Call ;MUIB button text MSG_AboutBotaoOk (//) _Ok ;MUIB button text MSG_AboutBotaoImportant (//) _Important ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaNaoRegistrado (//) Unregistered Version ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelNotRegister (//) \033c\0338 You have an unregistered version \nPlease, send register form!\nRegister is a free e-mail ;MUIB button text MSG_NaoRegistradoBotaoOK (//) Ok ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaSelecionaMes (//) Other Month ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel379Menu (//) Menu ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel379ActualDate (//) Actual Date ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel379ActualDateChar (//) A ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelSelectDate (//) \033c\0338Select Date ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_ComboMes0 (//) 01 January ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_ComboMes1 (//) 02 February ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_ComboMes2 (//) 03 March ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 3 MSG_ComboMes3 (//) 04 April ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 4 MSG_ComboMes4 (//) 05 May ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 5 MSG_ComboMes5 (//) 06 June ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 6 MSG_ComboMes6 (//) 07 July ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 7 MSG_ComboMes7 (//) 08 August ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 8 MSG_ComboMes8 (//) 09 September ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 9 MSG_ComboMes9 (//) 10 October ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 10 MSG_ComboMes10 (//) 11 November ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 11 MSG_ComboMes11 (//) 12 December ;MUIB button text MSG_DiaBotaEsquerda (//) \033b< ;MUIB button text MSG_DiaBotaoDireita (//) \033b> ;MUIB button text MSG_AnoBotaEsquerda (//) \033b< ;MUIB button text MSG_AnoBotaoDireita (//) \033b> ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_ComboSelect0 (//) Month and Year ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_ComboSelect1 (//) Day, Month and Year ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_ComboSelect2 (//) Year ;MUIB button text MSG_OutroMesBotaoOK (//) _Ok ;MUIB button text MSG_OutroMesDatePeriod (//) _Date Period ;MUIB button text MSG_OutroMesBotaoCancel (//) _Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaDeImportacaoRegistro (//) Register Import ;MUIB button text MSG_ImportaBotaoAceitar (//) _Accept ;MUIB button text MSG_ImportaBotaoCancelar (//) _Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaImportante (//) Please, read this... ;MUIB button text MSG_ImportantBotaoOk (//) _Ok ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaDiaSemana (//) Day of Week ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelBranco (//) ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelTotalLigacoes (//) \033bCalls ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelTimeOnLine (//) \033bOnline ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelPercentual (//) \033bPercentage ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelDomingo (//) Sunday ;MUIB text content MSG_ValorDomingo (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_TimeDomingo (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_PercentualDomingo (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelSegunda (//) Monday ;MUIB text content MSG_ValorSegunda (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_TimeSegunda (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_PercentualSegunda (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_Labelterca (//) Tuesday ;MUIB text content MSG_ValorTerca (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_TimeTerca (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_PercentualTerca (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelQuarta (//) Wednesday ;MUIB text content MSG_ValorQuarta (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_TimeQuarta (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_PercentualQuarta (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelQuinta (//) Thursday ;MUIB text content MSG_ValorQuinta (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_TimeQuinta (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_PercentualQuinta (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelSexta (//) Friday ;MUIB text content MSG_ValorSexta (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_TimeSexta (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_PercentualSexta (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelSabado (//) Saturday ;MUIB text content MSG_ValorSabado (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_TimeSabado (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_PercentualSabado (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelTotal (//) \033bTotals ;MUIB text content MSG_ValorTotal (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_TimeTotal (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_PercentualTotal (//) 0 ;MUIB button text MSG_SemanaBotaoOk (//) _Ok ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaCincoLigacoes (//) Last Five Calls ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelDasCinco (//) Last Five Calls ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoBranco (//) ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoData (//) \033bLogin Date ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoLogin (//) \033bLogin Hour ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoTimeOnLine (//) \033bTime Online ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoPhone (//) \033bPhone Number ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoStatus (//) \033bStatus Call ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoFirst (//) First ;MUIB text content MSG_FirstData (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_FirstLoginTime (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_FirstTimeOnline (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_FirstPhone (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoSecond (//) Second ;MUIB text content MSG_SecondData (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_SecondLoginTime (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_SecondTimeOnline (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_SecondPhone (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoThird (//) Third ;MUIB text content MSG_ThirdData (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_ThirdLoginTime (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_ThirdTimeOnline (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_ThirdPhone (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoFourth (//) Fourth ;MUIB text content MSG_FourthData (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_FourthLoginTime (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_FourthTimeOnline (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_FourthPhone (//) 0 ;MUIB Label MSG_LabelCincoLast (//) \033bLast ;MUIB text content MSG_LastData (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_LastLoginTime (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_LastTimeOnline (//) 0 ;MUIB text content MSG_LastPhone (//) 0 ;MUIB button text MSG_CincoBotaoOk (//) _Ok ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaDeInputManual (//) Call Inputation ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelInputTop (//) Manual Call Inputation ;MUIB Slider TitleFrame MSG_LabelInputPhoneTitle (//) Phone Number ;MUIB Slider TitleFrame MSG_LabelInputDateLoginTitle (//) Input Date Login (DD.MM.YYYY) ;MUIB Slider TitleFrame MSG_LabelInputHourLoginTitle (//) Input Hour Login (HH:MM:SS) ;MUIB Slider TitleFrame MSG_LabelInputTimeOnlineTitle (//) Input Time Online (HH:MM:SS) ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_ComboStatusInput0 (//) Regular Call ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_ComboStatusInput1 (//) Irregular Call ;MUIB button text MSG_InputBotaoSave (//) _Accept ;MUIB button text MSG_InputBotaoCancel (//) _Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaInputSalvaValores (//) Save ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelInputSaveValores (//) Save Values ;MUIB text content MSG_Input2PhoneTitle (//) Phone Number ;MUIB text content MSG_Input2DateLoginTitle (//) Login Date ;MUIB text content MSG_Input2DateLogoutTitle (//) Logout Date ;MUIB text content MSG_Input2TimeLoginTitle (//) Login Time ;MUIB text content MSG_Input2TimeLogoutTitle (//) Logout Time ;MUIB text content MSG_Input2TimeOnlineTitle (//) Time Online ;MUIB text content MSG_Input2StatusTitle (//) Status ;MUIB button text MSG_Input2BotaoSave (//) _Save ;MUIB button text MSG_Input2BotaoCancel (//) _Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaTodasLigacoes (//) All Calls in Period ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelTodasLigacoes (//) [Date Login Online Phone Status ] ;MUIB button text MSG_TodasLigacoesBotaoOK (//) _Ok ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaSelecionaPeriodo (//) Select ;MUIB text content MSG_PeriodoLabelTop (//) Select Period ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_InputPeriodo1 (//) Period [1] ;MUIB String Gadget MSG_InputPeriodo2 (//) Period [2] ;MUIB button text MSG_PeridoBotaoAccept (//) _Accept ;MUIB button text MSG_PeriodoCancel (//) _Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaConverteBase (//) Waiting... ;MUIB text content MSG_ConvertLabel (//) Wait, Converting database 1.05 for 1.06... ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaGeracaoQuery (//) Please, Wait Generation... ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaMsg (//) Windows Msg ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg1 (//) Total Calls: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg2 (//) Time Remaining: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg3 (//) Time Exceded: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg4 (//) Irregular: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg5 (//) Regular: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg6 (//) Shutdown: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg7 (//) Total Online: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg8 (//) days ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg9 (//) Average Online: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg11 (//) Longest Date: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg10 (//) Longest Call: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg12 (//) Shortest Date: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg13 (//) Shortest Call: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg14 (//) Last Call: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg15 (//) First Call: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg16 (//) \033c\0338Please, Wait Consulting Database... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg17 (//) Freedom Database directory not found! Look prefs! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg18 (//) _Ok ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg19 (//) Generation file with success... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg20 (//) _Clear Base| C_ontinue | _Cancel ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg21 (//) Freedom database already exist! Clear old base? ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg22 (//) Miami log file not found! Look prefs! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg23 (//) \033cMiami log file is corrupt!\n\0338Only supported:\nOnline, Active, Passive, Reconnect!\nLines error ignored!\nErrors found: ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg24 (//) No connections registered about this date. ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg25 (//) Loading query information... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg26 (//) Preparing Query... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg27 (//) Freedom database directory created ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg28 (//) \033cFreedom Call needs Assign!\0338\nInsert in your user-startup [Assign Freedom: Freedom directory] ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg29 (//) Detected Freedom database v1.05, press Ok for convertion database for v1.06 ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg30 (//) Freedom database directory not found, create it? ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg31 (//) Problem in Freedom:Freedom.Config! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg32 (//) \033cConvertion success! Now Freedom running all statistics more fastly!\nRemember, you need FreeEventMiami V1.03+ ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg33 (//) Create _Directory| _Cancel ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg34 (//) \033cRegister`s e-mail created\n\nThis file was generated in \033bRAM:Freedom.RegisterForm\033n\nDon`t change this automatic e-mail, just send it!\n\n\033bSend this register to surround@iname.com\033n ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg35 (//) File for importing register not found... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg36 (//) This file don`t have registration... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg37 (//) Freedom:Freedom.Guide not found! Please, copy help for Freedom directory. ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg38 (//) Register information invalid! Key registration is clear! Please complete fields! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg39 (//) Freedom`s last calls not found! Find last two years and nothing! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg40 (//) \033cPhone number is invalid!\n\0338Please, complete field! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg41 (//) \033cFormat time is invalid\n\0338Please, verified field (HH:MM:SS)! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg42 (//) \033cHour is invalid!\n\0338Please, verified field! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg43 (//) \033cMinutes is invalid!\n\0338Please, verified field! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg44 (//) \033cSeconds is invalid!\n\0338Please, verified field! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg45 (//) \033cDate is invalid!\n\0338Please, verified field! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg46 (//) \033cTime online is null!\n\0338Please, verified field! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg47 (//) New call added in Freedom database... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg48 (//) Freedom temporary file not found... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg49 (//) Initial day is invalid! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg50 (//) \033cFreedom database directory is wrong, not possible set device! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg51 (//) \033cDate is invalid!\n\0338Please, verified fields! [DD.MM.YYYY] ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg52 (//) Global Statistics ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg53 (//) Problem on creation [T:Freedom.DataDir] ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg54 (//) Regular ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg55 (//) Irregular ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg56 (//) This statistics need more than four connections for complete window! ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg57 (//) \033cIgnore phone option is only for REAL REGISTRATIONS!\n\0338Please, register... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg58 (//) \033cFreedom:Images/FreeLogo.iff not found!\n\0338Please, install Freedom again... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg59 (//) \033cFreedom image buttons not found!\n\0338About.iff, Global.iff, LastC.iff, Other.iff, Prefs.iff, This.iff\nInstall Freedom again... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg60 (//) \033cYou have an unregistered version\n\0338Please, send register form!\nRegister is a free e-mail ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg61 (//) \033cPeriod selected invalid!\n\0338Please, see fields... ;MUIB text content MSG_Msg62 (//) \033cError on open the internal temporary file...\n\0338Warning [surround@iname.com] ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaPrincipal2 (//) By SuRRouND 1997 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Project (//) Project ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667About (//) About ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667AboutChar (//) A ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667AboutMUI (//) About MUI ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667AboutMUIChar (//) U ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667BarLabel5 (//) BarLabel5 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Iconified (//) Iconified ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667IconifiedChar (//) I ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Exit (//) Exit ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667ExitChar (//) X ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Program (//) Program ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667LastFiveCalls (//) Last Five Calls ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667LastFiveCallsChar (//) L ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667BarLabel6 (//) BarLabel6 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667ThisMonth (//) This Month ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667ThisMonthChar (//) T ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667OtherMonth (//) Other Month ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667OtherMonthChar (//) O ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667GStats (//) Global Statistics ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667GStatsChar (//) G ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667DatePeriod (//) Date Period ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667DatePeriodChar (//) D ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Anual (//) Anual Statistics ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667AnualChar (//) S ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667BarLabel7 (//) BarLabel7 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667CallInput (//) Manual Call Inputation ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667CallInputChar (//) M ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Generation (//) Generation ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667FirstMiami (//) First Generation (Miami) ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667FirstMiamiChar (//) F ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Settings (//) Settings ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Configuration (//) Configuration... ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667ConfigurationChar (//) C ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Help (//) Help ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Main (//) Main... ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667MainChar (//) 1 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667Usage (//) Usage... ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667UsageChar (//) 2 ;MUIB Menu Title MSG_MNlabel3667History (//) History... ;MUIB Menu ShortCut MSG_MNlabel3667HistoryChar (//) 3 ;MUIB text content MSG_FreedomLabel2 (//) Freedom Call V1.07a beta ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaConsultaAnual (//) Anual ;MUIB text content MSG_CAnualLabel (//) \033c\0338Select Period ;MUIB Rectangle TitleFrame MSG_CAnualBarraInitialTitle (//) Initial Month ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CAnualMes10 (//) 01 January ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CAnualMes11 (//) 02 February ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_CAnualMes12 (//) 03 March ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 3 MSG_CAnualMes13 (//) 04 April ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 4 MSG_CAnualMes14 (//) 05 May ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 5 MSG_CAnualMes15 (//) 06 June ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 6 MSG_CAnualMes16 (//) 07 July ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 7 MSG_CAnualMes17 (//) 08 August ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 8 MSG_CAnualMes18 (//) 09 September ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 9 MSG_CAnualMes19 (//) 10 October ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 10 MSG_CAnualMes110 (//) 11 November ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 11 MSG_CAnualMes111 (//) 12 December ;MUIB Rectangle TitleFrame MSG_CAnualBarraFinalTitle (//) Final Month ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 0 MSG_CAnualMes20 (//) 01 January ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 1 MSG_CAnualMes21 (//) 02 February ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 2 MSG_CAnualMes22 (//) 03 March ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 3 MSG_CAnualMes23 (//) 04 April ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 4 MSG_CAnualMes24 (//) 05 May ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 5 MSG_CAnualMes25 (//) 06 June ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 6 MSG_CAnualMes26 (//) 07 July ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 7 MSG_CAnualMes27 (//) 08 August ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 8 MSG_CAnualMes28 (//) 09 September ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 9 MSG_CAnualMes29 (//) 10 October ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 10 MSG_CAnualMes210 (//) 11 November ;MUIB Cycle Entry number 11 MSG_CAnualMes211 (//) 12 December ;MUIB Rectangle TitleFrame MSG_CAnualBarraYearTitle (//) Year ;MUIB button text MSG_CAnualEsquerda (//) \033b< ;MUIB button text MSG_CAnualDireita (//) \033b> ;MUIB button text MSG_CAnualBotaoOK (//) _Ok ;MUIB button text MSG_CAnualBotaoCancel (//) _Cancel ;MUIB window Title MSG_JanelaConsultaAnualLista (//) Anual Consulting ;MUIB text content MSG_LabelConsultaAnualLista (//) [Year Calls Online Average Reg Irr Month ] ;MUIB button text MSG_CAnualListBotaoOK (//) _Ok